Our Mission

Our ongoing mission is to identify, foster and develop the next generation of leadership capable of improving the quality of life for Sudanese American Communities nationwide by furthering the SANAD vision and mission that's:

1- To enable men, women, and families to overcome cultural and language barriers, and to motivate and inspire them to be educated, enlightened citizens.

2- To strengthen the family ties and community spirit and to introduce community programs that bridge the gap and enhance the relationships between parents and their children in a family, as well as among families within the community.

3- To sponsor, organize and carry out cultural and educational events in order to preserve Sudanese cultural values while exposing community members to core American values.

4- To create forums for exchange of ideas, experiences and information in order to address the needs of the community.

5- To assist new immigrants, refugees and recently displaced individuals with translation, counseling services that are crucial to the resettlement process.

6- To provide emotional as well as financial assistance to families that experience the loss of the head of a household income due to illness, death, or other crisis or situations.

7- To advocate cultural exchange, to promote education at all levels, and to cooperate with charitable and other organizations involved in community services.

8- To establish a school for the children of immigrants that promotes the preservation of their Sudanese languages and cultures while preparing and assisting to be successful in the mainstream public school system.

9- To establish a community complex that houses the school, the community center, library, meeting/ conference rooms, fitness center, banquette hall with supporting commercial kitchen facility and community information offices in order to formalize and strengthen the operations necessary to service Sudanese communities across the United States.

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